Dawn of the Dragons Wiki
Dawn of the Dragons Wiki

This is a place to share unofficial tools developed for Dawn of the Dragons:

Online Log Analyzer

This tool allows you to paste the raid log from DotD and displays statistics about hits, procs and items received. Developed by Endlessdeath.

Online Log Analyzer link: http://www.fooby.de/dotd/log.php

Alternate Log Analzer, maps proc_names to items using UgUp: http://green-dragon.systems/

Raid Catcher

Raid Catcher is a popular userscript for the Kongregate and Armor Games versions of DotD developed by wpatter6 and JHunz. Works on Firefox and Chrome.

  • Formats raid links in the chat
  • Stores and organizes raid links
    • option for sharing and receiving raid links with all Raid Catcher users on your platform
  • multiple other commands added to the chat input box

Raid Catcher script link: https://greasyfork.org/scripts/1887-dotd-raid-catcher

DotD Help App

This tool allows you to compare various items and display the best ones for every situation including an option to add the items you own and compare them (requires registration)

DotD Help App link: http://dotd.cu.cc/login

Dawn of the Dragons Leaderboard

This tool displays searchable/sortable info on every guild and guild member across AG, FB & Kong platforms

Leaderboard Link: http://dotdleaderboard.azurewebsites.net/

Magic Damage Calculator

This tool allows you to get information about average magic damage increase, chance of combo procing and critical chance increase of combo

Link: http://withcrown.com/dotd/magic_calc/
