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Panoptica's Crystal Ball Legendary Off Hand
Raid damage: 600

Duel power: 100
Attack: 100
Defense: 200
Perception: 700
Eyes of the Gods: Chance for bonus damage; Extra damage based on Player's Perception; Increases Energy by 60

Shield panoptica
%name% of Burden's Rest may be an avaricious miser. %He's% gathered a vast hoard of gold and valuable artifacts, but I've never seen %him% donate any of this great wealth to the poor. Perhaps the war and %his% adventures have merely distracted %him%.

Recommended judgment: Verbal admonition and a lecture on charity. -- Panoptica's report to the gods

Obtained By:

Perception Reward (minimum known requirement 26,600 perception)

Part of Panoptica's Set


  • Panoptica's Crystal Ball is a part of one recipe.