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Witch's Ring Epic Ring
Raid damage: 2974

Duel power: 402
Attack: 589
Defense: 618
Perception: 603
Witchcraft: Chance for bonus damage; Extra damage for each piece of Witch's set worn; Extra damage for each unique candy owned

Ring witch
A Flying Broomstick

Step 1: Buy, steal, or already own a broom (if you steal one, and find that it flies, you can ignore the other steps).

Step 2: Remove all shards and splinters that you wouldn't want stuck in your rear end.

Step 3: Take three white hawk feathers, two black hawk feathers, and one red hawk feather (without the birds attached), and tie them to the broom's bristles under a crescent moon.

Step 4: Sprinkle fairy dust on the bristles and feathers, then remove them and burn them (the feathers, not the bristles -- if you burned the bristles, you'll need a new broom).

Step 5: Put the broom between your legs and jump off a high place, such as a cliff or the roof of a house. If you break your neck, you didn't add enough dust.

-- Gertrude the Witch, 'Practical Enchantments'

Obtained By:

Hecate's Revenge (World Raid)

Part of Witch Set