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Tallykeeper's Hood Helm
Raid damage: 2750

Duel power: 372
Attack: 545
Defense: 570
Keep Score: Chance for bonus damage; Extra damage vs Construct and Undead raids

Three was the only one who drew a blade and snatched at the fate of the foolish and the brave. A wild swing broke against the haft of the axe and rebounded. The Tallykeeper cut the man down. The need to mark the death itched under his skin like insects and he nearly reached for his knife. He knew that there were more that had run from him into the trees. The merchant too was gone. He had nearly lost his life for his wares and when the chance to reclaim one had presented itself the other was gladly sacrificed to the road and whatever scavengers would claim it.
Obtained By:

Planet CoinCurrent Expeditions

Part of Tallykeeper Set