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Solstice Steed Mount
Raid damage: 47215

Duel power: 5763
Attack: 9975
Defense: 7315
Blood on the Ice (Steed): 10% chance to deal 700% damage; Extra 100% damage for each piece of Solstice set worn; Extra 1,000% damage against Guild raids; Increases Player's Honor by 250

Solstice set mount
IX. Eydis Iceblood crouched before him in the falling snow. "We've been following you for some time. You have braved much, and it's clear you want to live."

The night grew increasingly cold, shadowy silhouettes forming a thin circle around the pair.

"The only way to survive now is with us. Mated with the frost, and children of the long night."

She stepped forward to help him to his feet as they turned to retreat into the snow.

Obtained By:

Planet CoinExpeditions

Part of Solstice Set