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Masterer's Raiment Chest
Raid damage: 1175

Duel power: 157
Attack: 235
Defense: 235
Perception: 65
Mathias's Mastery: Chance for bonus damage; Small chance for heavy extra damage. Extra damage for each additional piece of Masterer gear equipped

"I said I'd never taken an apprentice into my forge before, nor did I intend to begin now. He sighed, and poured out his story -- declaring that he was an immortal cursed by the gods, doomed to wander the world until he'd mastered its arts. I told him to take his lying tongue away before I ran him through with a sword. He laughed, drew his own sword, and plunged it into his heart. When he lived, I knew that he'd spoken the truth. So I taught him what I could."-- Rogar
Obtained By:

Planet CoinCurrent Expeditions

Part of Masterer's Set