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Lounging Peasant's Hat Helm
Raid damage: 1863

Duel power: 245
Attack: 376
Defense: 359
Lazing and Laboring: Chance for bonus damage; Extra damage for each participant in the raid (Max: 500)

III. "It's that new worker, milady -- Miles of Norpshire! He said the peasantry are being exploited by the aristocracy."

"Of course they are! That's what peasants are for!"

"Yes, milady. But Miles said they should throw down their tools and refuse to work until they're granted fair wages and aren't made to slave away from dawn till dusk."

"Fair pay? Preposterous! Why didn't the overseer prevent this treachery?"

Obtained By:

Lounging Peasant Chest

Part of Lounging Peasant Set